Margarethe HEINSOHN

Ancestors of Margarethe HEINSOHN

        /-Claus HEINSOHN
Margarethe HEINSOHN

Descendants of Margarethe HEINSOHN

1 Margarethe HEINSOHNBartold MAHLER
      2 Catharina MAHLERDiedrich (Dirk) HEINSOHN
            3 Barteld HEINSOHNAlheit Marie KOPEN  Marriage: 6 MAY 1773, Freiburg, Elbe
                  4 Johann Barthold HEINSOHNMargaretha MEYN
                        5 Heinrich Johann HEINSOHNMetta KOPENS
                              6 Anna Elisabeth Margaretha HEINSOHNOtto Heinrich STRENGE
                                    7 Johann Heinrich HEINSOHNAlwine Auguste Bertha GÖDECKE  Marriage: 3 OCT 1908, Peine
                                    7 Amandus STRENGE
                  4 Anna Margareta HEINSOHNOtto Hinrich STRENGE  Marriage: 6 DEC 1811, Freiburg, Elbe
                        5 Johann Hinrich STRENGEMarie Elisabeth DIERCKS  Marriage: 4 JUL 1850, Freiburg, Elbe
                              6 Anna Margareta STRENGEGottlieb August EGGERS  Marriage: 15 MAY 1872, Freiburg, Elbe
                                    7 Johannes Heinrich EGGERSElsa Maria AHDERS  Marriage: 6 SEP 1902, Stade
                              6 Otto Heinrich STRENGEAnna Elisabeth Margaretha HEINSOHN
                                    7 Johann Heinrich HEINSOHNAlwine Auguste Bertha GÖDECKE  Marriage: 3 OCT 1908, Peine
                                    7 Amandus STRENGE

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Ruth Margarete Alwine HEINSOHN

Ancestors of Ruth Margarete Alwine HEINSOHN

                                                          /-Matteis STRENGE
                                                /-Johann STRENGE
                                                |         \-Thrin VON BARGEN
                                      /-Otto Hinrich STRENGE
                                      |         |         /-Matheis WOLTERS
                                      |         \-Margarethe WOLTERS
                                      |                   \-Gesche J. BRUNSWICK
                            /-Johann Hinrich STRENGE
                            |         |                   /-Diedrich (Dirk) HEINSOHN
                            |         |         /-Barteld HEINSOHN
                            |         |         |         \-Catharina MAHLER
                            |         \-Anna Margareta HEINSOHN
                            |                   |         /-Johann KOPEN
                            |                   \-Alheit Marie KOPEN
                            |                             \-Beke FREUDENBERG
                  /-Otto Heinrich STRENGE
                  |         |                             /-Johann DIERCKS
                  |         |                   /-Johann Hinrich DIERCKS
                  |         |                   |         \-Maria Heilwig BEHRENS
                  |         |         /-Johann DIERCKS
                  |         |         |         |         /-Hinrich HASSELBUSCH
                  |         |         |         \-Alheit Elisabeth HASSELBUSCH
                  |         |         |                   \-Mette GERDES
                  |         \-Marie Elisabeth DIERCKS
                  |                   |                   /-Johann LOOK
                  |                   |         /-Johann LOOK
                  |                   |         |         \-Marie BREUER
                  |                   \-Christine Margaretha LOOK
                  |                             |         /-Jacob WIST
                  |                             \-Abel Malene WIST
                  |                                       \-Anna Maria SEGEMANN
        /-Johann Heinrich HEINSOHN
        |         |                                       /-Diedrich (Dirk) HEINSOHN
        |         |                             /-Barteld HEINSOHN
        |         |                             |         \-Catharina MAHLER
        |         |                   /-Johann Barthold HEINSOHN
        |         |                   |         |         /-Johann KOPEN
        |         |                   |         \-Alheit Marie KOPEN
        |         |                   |                   \-Beke FREUDENBERG
        |         |         /-Heinrich Johann HEINSOHN
        |         |         |         \-Margaretha MEYN
        |         \-Anna Elisabeth Margaretha HEINSOHN
        |                   \-Metta KOPENS
Ruth Margarete Alwine HEINSOHN
        \-Alwine Auguste Bertha GÖDECKE

Descendants of Ruth Margarete Alwine HEINSOHN

1 Ruth Margarete Alwine HEINSOHNGustav GERHOLD
      2 Eike GERHOLDBrigitte NN
            3 Birke GERHOLD
      2 Helge GERHOLD
      2 Karen GERHOLD

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Elfriede Wally HEINTZ

Descendants of Elfriede Wally HEINTZ

1 Elfriede Wally HEINTZKurt Albert BONITZ  Marriage: 11 NOV 1939
      2 Elfriede Annemarie BONITZ
      2 Inga Ursula BONITZ

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Karl Friedrich HEINTZE

Descendants of Karl Friedrich HEINTZE

1 Karl Friedrich HEINTZEChristiana Sophia SIEBER  Marriage: 6 OCT 1839, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Descendants of Rosina HEINTZE

1 Rosina HEINTZEChristian KUNTZ  Marriage: 24 OCT 1702, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Johann Friedrich KUNTZ
      2 Anna Rosina KUNTZPaul ROSCHER  Marriage: 1730, Zelle, Aue, Sachsen
            3 Johann Carl Friedrich ROSCHERJohann Christoph RICHTER  Marriage: 9 FEB 1755, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Maria Rosina KUNTZJohann HEYDEL  Marriage: 1730, Lößnitz, Sachsen
      2 Anna Maria KUNTZ
      2 Maria Elisabeth KUNTZJohann Adam LISCH  Marriage: 29 NOV 1737, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Descendants of Christiane HEINTZMANN

1 Christiane HEINTZMANNBernhard Christoph Ludwig NATORP
      2 Gustav Ludwig NATORPMaria Wilhelmine KRUMMACHER  Marriage: 19 MAY 1823, Wengern, Westfalen
            3 Gustav Adolf Ludwig NATORPAnna BECKMANN  Marriage: 16 JUN 1868
            3 Bernhard Gottfried Adalbert NATORPEmilie KELLER  Marriage: 27 JUN 1850
                  4 Paul Gerhard NATORP
            3 Agnes Luise Mathilde NATORPGustav BRASSERT  Marriage: 1 SEP 1853
            3 Johannes Friedrich Emil NATORPMarie Adelheid VARNHAGEN  Marriage: 18 OCT 1860
            3 Julius Oskar Luther Wolfgang NATORPAgnes Marie HENGSTENBERG  Marriage: 1 OCT 1863
              ∞ Sarah Hannah Elizabeth BRUNTON  Marriage: 19 AUG 1875
            3 Hedwig Marie Julie Elisabeth NATORP
            3 Maria Christiane Bertha NATORPHans NIEMEYER  Marriage: 24 MAY 1866
      2 Adelheid NATORPEduard Christian KRUMMACHER  Marriage: 18 OCT 1836
            3 Adolf KRUMMACHER
            3 Laura Alwina KRUMMACHERJohannes Chr. ACHELIS  Marriage: 18 OCT 1861
                  4 Eduard Alfred ACHELIS
            3 Bertha Mathilde Wilhelmine KRUMMACHERTheodor WOHLBRÜCK  Marriage: 4 AUG 1883, Bremen
            3 Clara Adelheid KRUMMACHERFritz ACHELIS  Marriage: 23 APR 1868
                  4 Friedrich Wilhelm ACHELIS
            3 Wilhelm Bernhard KRUMMACHERMarie FOSCKING  Marriage: 1873
            3 Adelheid KRUMMACHER

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Margaretha HEINZ

Descendants of Margaretha HEINZ

1 Margaretha HEINZJohann HÜBLER  Marriage: 26 JUN 1691, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Maria Catharina HÜBLERGeorg KELLER  Marriage: 27 MAY 1721, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Christoph KELLERJohanna Sophia SIEBER  Marriage: 10 JUN 1756, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Maria Susanna HÜBLERTobias BONITZ  Marriage: 3 MAY 1729, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Christina BONITZJohann Christian VIEHWEGER  Marriage: 25 APR 1773, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Anna Rosina BONITZ

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Anna Marie HEINZE

Descendants of Anna Marie HEINZE

1 Anna Marie HEINZEFranz Richard SIEBER

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Christian Friedrich HEINZE

Descendants of Christian Friedrich HEINZE

1 Christian Friedrich HEINZEJohanna Christiana GEBHART  Marriage: 17 NOV 1844, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Christian Gottfried HEINZE

Descendants of Christian Gottfried HEINZE

1 Christian Gottfried HEINZEJohanna Christiana KUNZ  Marriage: 28 FEB 1802, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Friedrich Otto HEINZE

Descendants of Friedrich Otto HEINZE

1 Friedrich Otto HEINZEMinna Auguste HÄUßLER

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Friedrich Otto HEINZE

Descendants of Friedrich Otto HEINZE

1 Friedrich Otto HEINZELinna Hulda SCHÜTZ  Marriage: 29 SEP 1863, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Hedwig Frieda HEINZE

Descendants of Hedwig Frieda HEINZE

1 Hedwig Frieda HEINZEPaul Karl BONITZ
      2 Georg Karl BONITZHeidrun FEHLHABER
            3 Holger BONITZ
            3 Susanne BONITZ

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Milda Marie HEINZE

Descendants of Milda Marie HEINZE

1 Milda Marie HEINZEErnst Otto KOCH
      2 Otto Rudolf KOCHJohanne Marie VODEL  Marriage: 25 SEP 1920, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen

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Kilian Peter HEISE

Ancestors of Kilian Peter HEISE

        /-Ralf Andre HEISE
Kilian Peter HEISE
        |                             /-Emil BONITZ
        |                   /-Heinz Emil BONITZ
        |         /-Erich Peter BONITZ
        |         |         \-Ursula FRIEDRICH
        \-Andrea BONITZ
                  \-Gisela AUGUSTINIAK

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Ralf Andre HEISE

Descendants of Ralf Andre HEISE

1 Ralf Andre HEISEAndrea BONITZ
      2 Kilian Peter HEISE

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Descendants of Ewald HEISELER

1 Ewald HEISELERKäthe Gertrud BONITZ

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Diedrich Otto HEISER

Descendants of Diedrich Otto HEISER

1 Diedrich Otto HEISERJohanne Dorothee Friederike AUERBACHER
      2 Johanne Elisabeth Auguste Friederike HEISERGeorg Carl Friedrich BONITZ  Marriage: 1 JUN 1869, Linden, Hannover
            3 Moritz Wilhelm Ludwig BONITZ
            3 Georg Karl Friedrich BONITZHenriette Martha Helene REIMERS  Marriage: 13 JUL 1929, Bremen
                  4 Hermann Friedrich Karl Heinrich BONITZMagdalene Luise KRÜTTNER  Marriage: 30 JUN 1953, Derdingen
                        5 Reimer BONITZGabriele GEIER
                              6 Alexander BONITZ
                              6 Peter BONITZ
                              6 Frank BONITZ
                        5 Dorothee BONITZBernd HOSE
            3 Anna Emma Elisabeth BONITZ

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Johanne Elisabeth Auguste Friederike HEISER

Ancestors of Johanne Elisabeth Auguste Friederike HEISER

        /-Diedrich Otto HEISER
Johanne Elisabeth Auguste Friederike HEISER
        \-Johanne Dorothee Friederike AUERBACHER

Descendants of Johanne Elisabeth Auguste Friederike HEISER

1 Johanne Elisabeth Auguste Friederike HEISERGeorg Carl Friedrich BONITZ  Marriage: 1 JUN 1869, Linden, Hannover
      2 Moritz Wilhelm Ludwig BONITZ
      2 Georg Karl Friedrich BONITZHenriette Martha Helene REIMERS  Marriage: 13 JUL 1929, Bremen
            3 Hermann Friedrich Karl Heinrich BONITZMagdalene Luise KRÜTTNER  Marriage: 30 JUN 1953, Derdingen
                  4 Reimer BONITZGabriele GEIER
                        5 Alexander BONITZ
                        5 Peter BONITZ
                        5 Frank BONITZ
                  4 Dorothee BONITZBernd HOSE
      2 Anna Emma Elisabeth BONITZ

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Descendants of Rosina HEISING

1 Rosina HEISINGJohannes UHLMANN  Marriage: 17 MAY 1676, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Maria Rosina ULMANN
      2 Anna Maria UHLMANN
        ∞ (Unknown)
            3 Johann Gottlieb UHLMANN

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Anna Mary HELBIG

Ancestors of Anna Mary HELBIG

                  /-Conrad HELBIG
        /-John HELBIG
        |         \-Anna NN
Anna Mary HELBIG
        |                                                 /-Andre Friedrich BONITZ
        |                                       /-Georg Andreas BONITZ
        |                                       |         \-Maria Marg. LASTENBEIN
        |                             /-Johann Heinrich BONITZ
        |                             |         \-Anna Dorothea MAHNS
        |                   /-Johann Dietrich BONITZ
        |                   |         \-Christiane (Christiana) Maria MÜLLER
        |         /-Johann Heinrich Wilhelm BONITZ
        |         |         \-Sophie Elisabeth BÖSE
        \-Johanne Dorothea Emilie BONITZ
                  |         /-Johann Heinrich SCHALITZ
                  \-Johanne Dorothea Louise SCHALITZ
                            \-Justine Rosine Magdalene ROBBIN

Descendants of Anna Mary HELBIG

1 Anna Mary HELBIGJohn William SHERMAN  Marriage: 4 JAN 1893, Lynchburg, VA, USA

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Arthur John HELBIG

Ancestors of Arthur John HELBIG

                  /-Conrad HELBIG
        /-John HELBIG
        |         \-Anna NN
Arthur John HELBIG
        |                                                 /-Andre Friedrich BONITZ
        |                                       /-Georg Andreas BONITZ
        |                                       |         \-Maria Marg. LASTENBEIN
        |                             /-Johann Heinrich BONITZ
        |                             |         \-Anna Dorothea MAHNS
        |                   /-Johann Dietrich BONITZ
        |                   |         \-Christiane (Christiana) Maria MÜLLER
        |         /-Johann Heinrich Wilhelm BONITZ
        |         |         \-Sophie Elisabeth BÖSE
        \-Johanne Dorothea Emilie BONITZ
                  |         /-Johann Heinrich SCHALITZ
                  \-Johanne Dorothea Louise SCHALITZ
                            \-Justine Rosine Magdalene ROBBIN

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Bertha Frieda HELBIG

Descendants of Bertha Frieda HELBIG

1 Bertha Frieda HELBIGAlbert Oskar MENDT  Marriage: 3 MAY 1919, Thalheim, Sachsen

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Carl Friedrich HELBIG

Descendants of Carl Friedrich HELBIG

1 Carl Friedrich HELBIGJuliane Ernestine URBAN
      2 Lina Anna HELBIGGustav Max BONITZ  Marriage: 25 OCT 1919, Frankenberg, Sachsen

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Descendants of Conrad HELBIG

1 Conrad HELBIGAnna NN
      2 John HELBIGJohanne Dorothea Emilie BONITZ  Marriage: 18 MAY 1863, Washington, DC, USA
            3 Frederick Conrad HELBIGMargaret Alexia EANES  Marriage: 11 JUN 1912, Lynchburg, VA, USA
            3 John William HELBIGCarrie HANBY  Marriage: 25 DEC 1890, Wilmington, NC, USA
                  4 John HELBIG Jr.
            3 Anna Mary HELBIGJohn William SHERMAN  Marriage: 4 JAN 1893, Lynchburg, VA, USA
            3 Arthur John HELBIG
            3 Henry Carl HELBIGNora Osman WILKES  Marriage: 19 MAY 1899, Bedford, VA, USA
            3 Louise Emelie HELBIGKarl GOTTSCHALK
            3 Walter Bonitz HELBIG

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