Christina MÜLLER

Descendants of Christina MÜLLER

1 Christina MÜLLERJohannes Peter PFARRER
      2 Anna Sibylla PFARRERPhilipp Christian HUBLITZ  Marriage: 24 SEP 1826, Hungen
            3 Catharina Elisabetha HUBLITZ
            3 Heinrich HUBLITZ
            3 Johannes Conrad HUBLITZ

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Christoph MÜLLER

Descendants of Christoph MÜLLER

1 Christoph MÜLLERAnna Maria PFLUG  Marriage: 14 OCT 1709, Mülsen St. Niclas

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Christoph Friedrich MÜLLER

Ancestors of Christoph Friedrich MÜLLER

                            /-Jacob MÜLLER
                  /-Gottfried MÜLLER
        /-Johann Friedrich MÜLLER
        |         |                             /-Christoff VOITEL
        |         |                   /-Jacob VOITEL
        |         |                   |         \-Catharina SCHRAMM
        |         |         /-Andreas VOITEL
        |         |         |         \-Anna BOCHMANN
        |         \-Christina VOITEL
        |                   |         /-Valentin PFAB
        |                   \-Justina PFAB
        |                             \-Sabina BITTNER
Christoph Friedrich MÜLLER
        |                             /-Hans WEIGEL
        |                   /-Christoph WEIGEL
        |         /-Hans WEIGEL
        |         |         \-Anna Maria HAHN
        \-Rosina WEIGEL
                  |                   /-Michael KEMPT
                  |         /-Hans KEMPT
                  |         |         \-Barbara MICHEL
                  \-Susanna KEMPT
                            |                             /-Hans RICHTER
                            |                   /-Hans RICHTER
                            |                   |         \-Maria NN
                            |         /-Christoph RICHTER
                            |         |         |         /-Oswald GÜNTHER
                            |         |         \-Christina GÜNTHER
                            |         |                   \-Magdalena GREßLER
                            \-Justina RICHTER
                                      \-Christina NN

Descendants of Christoph Friedrich MÜLLER

1 Christoph Friedrich MÜLLERAnna Sophia MONTAG  Marriage: 6 FEB 1763, Kamenz
  ∞ Maria Elisabeth HÖFER  Marriage: 14 FEB 1765, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Johann Christian MÜLLER

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Clara Elisabeth MÜLLER

Descendants of Clara Elisabeth MÜLLER

1 Clara Elisabeth MÜLLERBruno Otto BONITZ  Marriage: 1888, Chemnitz, Sachsen
      2 Otto Bruno William BONITZJohanna Martha Camilla THIELEMANN  Marriage: 7 FEB 1914, Dresden, Sachsen
            3 Gertrud Johanna BONITZOtto Josef HABEL  Marriage: 23 JUN 1942, Dresden, Sachsen
            3 Ingeborg BONITZ
      2 Bruno Otto Alfred BONITZMargarete Anna GÖTHE  Marriage: 8 DEC 1923, Freital, Sachsen
            3 Siegfried BONITZ
      2 Elisabeth Hildegard BONITZBernhard Alexander GÖTHE  Marriage: 14 AUG 1922, Dresden, Sachsen

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Concordia MÜLLER

Descendants of Concordia MÜLLER

1 Concordia MÜLLERChristoph LEIBIGER  Marriage: 6 MAR 1671, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Samuel LEIBIGERRosina NEUKIRCHNER  Marriage: 25 MAY 1697, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Maria Magdalena LEIBIGERChristoph STEMMLER  Marriage: 11 MAY 1726, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Samuel Friedrich LEIBIGER
            3 Anna Concordia LEIBIGERMagnus RANFT  Marriage: 21 MAY 1724, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Concordia LEIBIGERJohann Christoph BAUCH  Marriage: 17 AUG 1696, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Anna Christina LEIBIGERChristoph GREIHNER  Marriage: 17 JAN 1702, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Maria Magdalena LEIBIGERChristian Gottlieb MÜLLER  Marriage: 10 OCT 1719, Scheibenberg

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Constantin Gotthold MÜLLER

Ancestors of Constantin Gotthold MÜLLER

        /-Dominicus MÜLLER
Constantin Gotthold MÜLLER
        \-Christiane Concordia METZ

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Daniel Immanuel MÜLLER

Ancestors of Daniel Immanuel MÜLLER

                  /-Carl Friedrich Lobegott MÜLLER
        /-Christian Traugott MÜLLER
        |         |                                       /-Christian NEUKIRCHNER
        |         |                             /-Johann Christoph NEUKIRCHNER
        |         |                             |         \-Justina NÖTZEL
        |         |                   /-Christian NEUKIRCHNER
        |         |                   |         \-Anna Dorothea ESCHER
        |         |         /-Christian Friedrich NEUKIRCHNER
        |         |         |         |                   /-Heinrich GRABNER
        |         |         |         |         /-Johann Heinrich GRABNER
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Susanna HEMPEL
        |         |         |         \-Christiana Sophia GRABNER
        |         |         |                   |         /-Georg STEMMLER
        |         |         |                   \-Anna Dorothea STEMMLER
        |         |         |                             \-Anna Dorothea GRABNER
        |         \-Johanna Concordia NEUKIRCHNER
        |                   |                             /-Christian WEIGEL
        |                   |                   /-Abraham WEIGEL
        |                   |                   |         \-Maria BONITZ
        |                   |         /-Johann Friedrich WEIGEL
        |                   |         |         |         /-Hans KEMPT
        |                   |         |         \-Rosina KEMPT
        |                   |         |                   \-Justina RICHTER
        |                   \-Johanna Sophia WEIGEL
        |                             |         /-Jeremias KÖHL
        |                             \-Johanna KÖHL
        |                                       \-Rosina KÖNIG
Daniel Immanuel MÜLLER
        |                                                 /-Andreas HÖFER
        |                                       /-Andreas HÖFER
        |                                       |         \-Christina PONITZ
        |                             /-Christoph HÖFER
        |                             |         |         /-Christoff GÖDEL
        |                             |         \-Anna Rosina GÖTHEL
        |                             |                   \-Maria RAU
        |                   /-Christoph HÖFER
        |                   |         |                   /-Gottfried WETZEL
        |                   |         |         /-Gottfried WETZEL
        |                   |         |         |         \-Anna SIEBER
        |                   |         \-Rosina WETZEL
        |                   |                   |         /-Georg WETZEL
        |                   |                   \-Justina WETZEL
        |                   |                             \-Regina HARNISCH
        |         /-Christian Traugott HÖFER
        |         |         |                             /-Christoff GÖDEL
        |         |         |                   /-Michael GÖTEL
        |         |         |                   |         \-Maria RAU
        |         |         |         /-Georg Friedrich GÖTHEL
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Georg WETZEL
        |         |         |         |         \-Maria WETZEL
        |         |         |         |                   \-Regina HARNISCH
        |         |         \-Maria Regina GÖTHEL
        |         |                   |                   /-Christian VOGEL
        |         |                   |         /-Emanuel VOGEL
        |         |                   |         |         \-Christine WEBER
        |         |                   \-Anna Maria VOGEL
        |         |                             |         /-Tobias BONITZ
        |         |                             \-Regina BONITZ
        |         |                                       \-Dorothea SCHEIBNER
        \-Johanne Christiane HÖFER
                  \-Johanna Christliebe FRIEDRICH

Descendants of Daniel Immanuel MÜLLER

1 Daniel Immanuel MÜLLERAnna Paulina RÖDER  Marriage: 11 APR 1858, Reichenbrand, Chemnitz, Sachsen
  ∞ Christiane Wilhelmine WEIß  Marriage: 1861, Elterlein, Erzgeb., Sachsen

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Descendants of David MÜLLER

1 David MÜLLERJohanna Sophia GERSTENBERGER  Marriage: 11 APR 1769, Taura, Sachsen
      2 Beate Sophie MÜLLERJohann Gottlieb BONITZ  Marriage: 25 AUG 1793, Taura, Sachsen
            3 Johann Gottfried BONITZJohanna Christiane MATTHES  Marriage: 9 APR 1826, Burgstädt, Sachsen
                  4 Ernestine Pauline BONITZHermann KNORR
                        5 Selma Pauline KNORRJohann Arthur SCHEUNERTJohann Jakob BAIERLEIN  Marriage: 1893, Chemnitz, Sachsen
                  4 Johann David BONITZHermine Helene GLAß  Marriage: 21 APR 1872, Crimmitschau, Sachsen
                        5 Martha BONITZAlbrecht PAUL
                              6 Karl PAUL
                              6 Kurt PAUL
                              6 Gertrud PAULAlfons SINNIGEN
                        5 Olga BONITZ
                        5 Karl Hermann BONITZAnna Frieda BÄR
                        5 Marie BONITZFritz SIMON
                              6 Klara SIMONRudolf SCHÄDLICH
                              6 Herta SIMON
                              6 Traude SIMON
                        5 Anna BONITZRudolf GEIßLER
                              6 Lotte GEIßLERWerner HERZOGWilhelm GEIßLER
                              6 Rudolf GEIßLER
                              6 Annemarie GEIßLER
                        5 Paul BONITZJohanna Anna MÜLLER  Marriage: 19 JUL 1924, Zöpen, Lobstädt, Sachsen
                              6 Rudolf BONITZ
                              6 Karl Manfred BONITZMaria LUDWIG
                                    7 Ulrich BONITZGabriele NN
                                    7 Matthias BONITZAngela WEIß
            3 Carl Friedrich Christian BONITZJohanne Sophie ZSCHAGE  Marriage: 1 NOV 1835, Hohenkirchen
                  4 Friedrich Louis BONITZEmilie Agnes LINDNER  Marriage: 29 APR 1866, Burgstädt, Sachsen
                        5 Emil Rudolf BONITZOttilie Liddy REICHBOTT  Marriage: 21 MAY 1894
                              6 Herbert BONITZ
                        5 Oskar Louis BONITZMartha Emma Johanna KUNTZE  Marriage: 23 SEP 1895
                              6 Herta BONITZ
                        5 Paul Otto BONITZMarie Else Luise PRITZLAFF  Marriage: 29 JUL 1912, Berlin Wilmersdorf
                        5 Olga Emilie BONITZKarl Max OTTO
                        5 Ottilie Agnes BONITZRichard Alexander GRIMM  Marriage: 21 APR 1898
                        5 Max Georg BONITZ
                        5 Martha Luise BONITZ
            3 Christian Gottlieb BONITZJohanna Wilhelmine GOTTLEBE  Marriage: 23 FEB 1840, Pleißa
                  4 Ernst Eduard BONITZAuguste Bertha BONITZ  Marriage: 21 JUL 1870, Burgstädt, Sachsen
                        5 Ernst Emil BONITZAnna Auguste DITTRICH  Marriage: 27 MAY 1896, Burgstädt, Sachsen
                              6 Erich BONITZHedwig Luise LIEBING  Marriage: 10 JUN 1929, Taura, Sachsen
                                    7 Erika BONITZ
                              6 Hilde BONITZTheodor Valerius Paul WOLFErnestine Emilie KREßNER

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David Ferdinand MÜLLER

Descendants of David Ferdinand MÜLLER

1 David Ferdinand MÜLLERMaria Charlotte NN  Marriage: 31 JUL 1827, Annaburg, Preußen
      2 Anna Elisabeth MÜLLERChristian August GRABNER  Marriage: 25 APR 1858, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Ida Marie MÜLLERFriedrich Emil GRABNER  Marriage: 17 APR 1860, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Emma Louisa MÜLLERKarl Wilhelm STRUNZ  Marriage: 6 NOV 1864, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Dominicus MÜLLER

Descendants of Dominicus MÜLLER

1 Dominicus MÜLLERChristiane Concordia METZ
      2 Johanne Christiane Emma MÜLLERCarl Friedrich Ehregott WEISER  Marriage: 22 SEP 1840, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Auguste Ernestine WEIßERHeinrich Gustav SIEBER  Marriage: 20 SEP 1857, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Christiane Marianne MÜLLEREhregott Leberecht MUSCHTER  Marriage: 1846, Annaberg, Chemnitz, Sachsen
        ∞ NN RICHTER
      2 Emilia Ernestina MÜLLERLouis Heinrich STEINITZ
            3 Auguste Ernstine STEINITZ
            3 Anne Marie STEINITZ
      2 Benjamin Anton MÜLLERChristiane Karoline WEIGNER  Marriage: 6 SEP 1840, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Johanne Christiane MÜLLER
            3 Christian Wilhelm MÜLLER
            3 Oskar MÜLLER
            3 Minna Auguste MÜLLER
      2 Constantin Gotthold MÜLLERChristiane Friederike LEISTNER  Marriage: 21 OCT 1828, Zwönitz, Sachsen
  ∞ Friedricke SÜß

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Dorothea Louisa MÜLLER

Descendants of Dorothea Louisa MÜLLER

1 Dorothea Louisa MÜLLERGottlob Friedrich FICKER  Marriage: 1 OCT 1780, Neustadt b. Stolpen

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Dorothea Rebecca MÜLLER

Ancestors of Dorothea Rebecca MÜLLER

        /-Johann Christoph MÜLLER
Dorothea Rebecca MÜLLER
        |         /-Christian Andreas MERCKEL
        \-Christiana Sophia MÄRCKEL
                  \-Maria Rosina SCHUBERT

Descendants of Dorothea Rebecca MÜLLER

1 Dorothea Rebecca MÜLLERJohann Gottfried SCHULZE  Marriage: 16 MAY 1813, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Christiane Wilhelmine SCHULZEHeinrich Andreas ROTT  Marriage: 30 AUG 1846, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Karoline Wilhelmine ROTTJohann Gottlieb JUNGHANS  Marriage: 30 APR 1868, Lobsdorf, Sachsen
            3 Karl Heinrich Alfred ROTTClara KUNIß  Marriage: 21 JAN 1869, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Klara Elfriede ROTTMax Wilhelm FAULHABER  Marriage: 22 MAY 1899, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Marie Mathilde ROTT
            3 Michael Leonhard ROTTEmilie Marie JÖHLER
      2 Johann Christoph Friedrich SCHULZEChristiane Dorothea DECKER  Marriage: 1 OCT 1843, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Ida Auguste SCHULZEKarl Ferdinand SCHLETTER  Marriage: 28 DEC 1875, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Emma Marie SCHULZEKarl Julius SCHUBERT  Marriage: 1 NOV 1870, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Elisabeth MÜLLER

Descendants of Elisabeth MÜLLER

      2 Elisabeth WEIDENMANNJohann Lorenz REHM  Marriage: 22 MAY 1654, Nördlingen
            3 Elisabeth REHMJohann Daniel HAACK  Marriage: 1676, Nördlingen
            3 Anna Catharina REHMJohann Jakob WECHSLER  Marriage: 1685, Nördlingen
            3 Georg Philipp REHM
            3 Johann Friedrich REHM
            3 Wilhelm Franz REHM

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Elise Adolphine Wilhelmine Erna MÜLLER

Descendants of Elise Adolphine Wilhelmine Erna MÜLLER

1 Elise Adolphine Wilhelmine Erna MÜLLERFriedrich Wilhelm Johann Karl SANDER  Marriage: 14 SEP 1905, Clausthal
      2 Marie Emilie Auguste SANDERMax Karl Friedrich BONITZ  Marriage: 1938
            3 Günter BONITZ
            3 Gerhard BONITZVeronika SCHWARZE  Marriage: 1964

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Descendants of Emil MÜLLER

1 Emil MÜLLERMarie VOLZ  Marriage: 29 OCT 1921
      2 Paul Eugen MÜLLERIngeborg BONITZ
            3 Ursula MÜLLER

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Emil Albrecht MÜLLER

Descendants of Emil Albrecht MÜLLER

1 Emil Albrecht MÜLLERMinna Auguste BEIER  Marriage: 3 SEP 1865, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Emilia Ernestina MÜLLER

Ancestors of Emilia Ernestina MÜLLER

        /-Dominicus MÜLLER
Emilia Ernestina MÜLLER
        \-Christiane Concordia METZ

Descendants of Emilia Ernestina MÜLLER

1 Emilia Ernestina MÜLLERLouis Heinrich STEINITZ
      2 Auguste Ernstine STEINITZ
      2 Anne Marie STEINITZ

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Emilia Wilhelmina MÜLLER

Ancestors of Emilia Wilhelmina MÜLLER

        /-Christian Friedrich MÜLLER
Emilia Wilhelmina MÜLLER
        \-Christiana Beata GRÄBNER

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Emilie Auguste Dorothea MÜLLER

Descendants of Emilie Auguste Dorothea MÜLLER

1 Emilie Auguste Dorothea MÜLLERGottfried Friedrich TÖRMER  Marriage: 20 OCT 1861, Halberstadt, Harz, Sachsen-Anhalt
      2 Hermann Karl Heinrich TÖRMERCaroline Emilie Bertha BONITZ  Marriage: 15 MAY 1891, Halberstadt, Harz, Sachsen-Anhalt
            3 Friedrich Hermann Oskar TÖRMERElisabeth Auguste Dorothea JAHN  Marriage: 13 SEP 1919, Halberstadt, Harz, Sachsen-Anhalt

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Emilie Henriette MÜLLER

Descendants of Emilie Henriette MÜLLER

1 Emilie Henriette MÜLLERErnst Friedrich GEORGI  Marriage: 5 OCT 1851, Elterlein, Erzgeb., Sachsen

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Ancestors of Emma MÜLLER

                            /-Johann Friedrich Wimar MÜLLER
                  /-Peter Engelbert Friedrich MÜLLER
                  |         \-Johanna Catharina BÜNGER
        /-Franz Heinrich Wilhelm MÜLLER
        |         |                                       /-Christoph BONITZ
        |         |                             /-Johann Christoph BONITZ
        |         |                             |         \-Justina DECKER
        |         |                   /-Christoph BONITZ
        |         |                   |         |         /-Christoph KELLER
        |         |                   |         \-Rosina KELLER
        |         |                   |                   \-Justina FISCHER
        |         |         /-Johann Gotthilf Friedrich BONITZ
        |         |         |         |                   /-Michael SCHÖFFLER
        |         |         |         |         /-Christian SCHÖFFLER
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Magdalena APT
        |         |         |         \-Maria Rosina SCHÖFFLER
        |         |         |                   |         /-Andreas DRECHSEL
        |         |         |                   \-Anna Maria DRECHSEL
        |         |         |                             \-Rosina UHLICH
        |         \-Johanna Magdalena Sybilla Christina BONITZ
        |                   |         /-Johann Nikolaus VIERKÖTTER
        |                   \-Anna Christina Elisabeth VIERKÖTTER
        |                             \-Anna Sybilla SCHUMACHER
        |         /-Johann Andreas Wimar SCHUMACHER
        \-Regina SCHUMACHER
                  \-Regina Christina Gertrud VIERKÖTTER

Descendants of Emma MÜLLER

1 Emma MÜLLERWilhelm VIERKÖTTER  Marriage: 15 JUL 1905, Rösrath-Volberg

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Emma Auguste MÜLLER

Ancestors of Emma Auguste MÜLLER

        /-Friedrich Anton MÜLLER
Emma Auguste MÜLLER
        |                                                 /-Tobias GRUNER
        |                                       /-Johann Christoph GRUNER
        |                                       |         \-Maria PFÜLLER
        |                             /-Gottlob Friedrich GRUNER
        |                             |         |         /-Caspar ENGELHARDT
        |                             |         \-Maria Rosina ENGELHARDT
        |                             |                   \-Rosina GRABNER
        |                   /-Friedrich Traugott GRUNERT
        |                   |         \-Maria Rosina ARNOLD
        |         /-Traugott Friedrich GRUNERT
        |         |         |                             /-Paul HÄUßLER
        |         |         |                   /-Christoph HÄUßLER
        |         |         |                   |         \-Esther ENGELHARDT
        |         |         |         /-Carl Friedrich HÄUßLER
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Johann Christoph MEISTER
        |         |         |         |         \-Johanna Juditha MEISTER
        |         |         |         |                   \-Esther ULLRICH
        |         |         \-Christiana Sophia HÄUßLER
        |         |                   |                   /-Tobias GRUNER
        |         |                   |         /-Johann Christoph GRUNER
        |         |                   |         |         \-Maria PFÜLLER
        |         |                   \-Johanna Maria GRUNERT
        |         |                             |         /-Caspar ENGELHARDT
        |         |                             \-Maria Rosina ENGELHARDT
        |         |                                       \-Rosina GRABNER
        \-Christiana Friederika Wilhelmina GRUNERT
                  |                                       /-Christoph KÜCHLER
                  |                             /-Johann Heinrich KÜCHLER
                  |                             |         \-Maria NÖTZEL
                  |                   /-Adam Heinrich KÜCHLER
                  |                   |         |         /-Christian LENKERSDORFER
                  |                   |         \-Maria Rosina LENKERSDÖRFER
                  |                   |                   \-Christina GÜNTHER
                  |         /-Johann August KÜCHLER
                  |         |         \-Maria Rosina LOOS
                  \-Johanna Christiana Carolina KÜCHLER
                            |         /-Christian Emanuel BEYER
                            \-Johanna Christiana BAYER
                                      |         /-Christian SCHREYER
                                      \-Eva Rosina SCHREYER
                                                |         /-Georg PFABE
                                                \-Maria Rosina PFABE
                                                          \-Elisabeth GRUNER

Descendants of Emma Auguste MÜLLER

1 Emma Auguste MÜLLERCarl Emil SCHNÄDELBACH  Marriage: 12 NOV 1872, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Emma Louisa MÜLLER

Ancestors of Emma Louisa MÜLLER

        /-David Ferdinand MÜLLER
Emma Louisa MÜLLER
        \-Maria Charlotte NN

Descendants of Emma Louisa MÜLLER

1 Emma Louisa MÜLLERKarl Wilhelm STRUNZ  Marriage: 6 NOV 1864, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Emma Marie MÜLLER

Ancestors of Emma Marie MÜLLER

        /-Christian Gottfried Louis MÜLLER
Emma Marie MÜLLER
        |         /-Traugott Benjamin WEICHELT
        \-Juliane Pauline WEICHELT
                  |         /-Georg Ludwig BADHOF
                  \-Karoline Friederike Auguste BADHOF
                            |         /-Johann Carl Gottlieb STOLL
                            \-Christiana Concordia STOLL
                                      |                   /-Christian REINHOLT
                                      |         /-Johann Gottlob REINHOLD
                                      |         |         \-Ottilie KÖHLER
                                      \-Theodora REINHOLD
                                                \-Dorothea Sophia WALTHER

Descendants of Emma Marie MÜLLER

1 Emma Marie MÜLLERJosef PLEINERT  Marriage: 16 MAR 1890, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Emma Selma MÜLLER

Ancestors of Emma Selma MÜLLER

                            /-Johann Gottlieb MÜLLER
                  /-Christian Heinrich MÜLLER
                  |         |                             /-Johann WETZEL
                  |         |                   /-Johann Tobias WETZEL
                  |         |                   |         \-Christina HÖFER
                  |         |         /-Johann Daniel WETZEL
                  |         |         |         |         /-Johann Friedrich GÖTHEL
                  |         |         |         \-Rosina GÖTHEL
                  |         |         |                   \-Regina BONITZ
                  |         \-Maria Sophia WETZEL
                  |                   |                   /-Gottfried WETZEL
                  |                   |         /-Christoph WETZEL
                  |                   |         |         \-Christina GÜNTHER
                  |                   \-Maria Rosina WETZEL
                  |                             \-Maria Rosina GÜNTHER
        /-Gustav Adolf MÜLLER
        |         \-Johanne Dorothee NEUKIRCHNER
Emma Selma MÜLLER
        |         /-Friedrich Clemens PÜSCHMANN
        \-Ernestine Wilhelmine PÜSCHMANN
                  \-Eleonore Johanne Christiane HILBERT

Descendants of Emma Selma MÜLLER

1 Emma Selma MÜLLERFriedrich Emil NEUKIRCHNER  Marriage: 6 OCT 1899, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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